Attacker in $68M Address Poisoning Scam Initiates Negotiations After Returning $153K ETH to Victim

May 9, 2024

Attacker in $68M Address Poisoning Scam Initiates Negotiations After Returning $153K ETH to Victim
Attacker in $68M Address Poisoning Scam Initiates Negotiations After Returning $153K ETH to Victim
Attacker in $68M Address Poisoning Scam Initiates Negotiations After Returning $153K ETH to Victim

The attacker behind the $68-million address poisoning scam has reportedly initiated negotiations with the victim, sending $153,000 worth of Ether back to the victim as a gesture of goodwill and expressing willingness to negotiate further. Following the scam where the victim mistakenly transferred 1,155 wBTC (valued at $68 million) to the attacker's account, the victim proposed giving the attacker 10% of the funds as a bounty in exchange for returning the remaining 90% and refraining from prosecution. The negotiation process unfolded with messages exchanged between the victim and the attacker's controlled accounts, with the attacker asking for a Telegram username for further communication. This incident underscores the risks associated with address poisoning attacks, urging users to carefully verify transaction details to prevent falling victim to such scams.