Bitcoin Hits 50 Million Records, Earning a Staggering $192 Million!

Dec 21, 2023

Bitcoin Hits 50 Million Records, Earning a Staggering $192 Million!
Bitcoin Hits 50 Million Records, Earning a Staggering $192 Million!
Bitcoin Hits 50 Million Records, Earning a Staggering $192 Million!

In exciting news from Foresight News, a data source called Dune has reported that there are now more than 50 million records on the Bitcoin Ordinals Protocol. This means that people have used this protocol over 50 million times to keep track of information related to Bitcoin. What's even more impressive is that all these registrations have brought in a total of 4,597.7177 BTC in fees, which is worth around $192 million! This shows how important and popular Bitcoin is in the world of digital currencies.

So, in simple terms, lots of people are using a special system called Bitcoin Ordinals Protocol to record things about Bitcoin, and they've done it over 50 million times! And they've earned a massive $192 million from doing it! It's a big deal and shows how much people care about Bitcoin.