Google Cloud and Flare Network Forge Data-Driven Blockchain Collaboration

Jan 16, 2024

 Google Cloud and Flare Network Forge Data-Driven Blockchain Collaboration
 Google Cloud and Flare Network Forge Data-Driven Blockchain Collaboration
 Google Cloud and Flare Network Forge Data-Driven Blockchain Collaboration

Flare, a blockchain platform focusing on decentralised data, has welcomed Google Cloud as an infrastructure provider, with Google Cloud taking on the roles of both a network validator and contributor to the Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO) on the Flare network. As a validator, Google Cloud will play a pivotal role in proposing and validating new blocks on the Flare blockchain, bolstering the chain's proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. This collaboration with Google Cloud marks a significant step forward for Flare in its mission to provide decentralised applications with reliable access to decentralised data, such as price and time series data, while also expanding the utility of blockchain technology.