Pink Drainer Strikes: $4.4 Million Chain Link (LINK) Heist Shakes Crypto World!

Dec 31, 2023

Pink Drainer Strikes: $4.4 Million Chain Link (LINK) Heist Shakes Crypto World!
Pink Drainer Strikes: $4.4 Million Chain Link (LINK) Heist Shakes Crypto World!
Pink Drainer Strikes: $4.4 Million Chain Link (LINK) Heist Shakes Crypto World!

Pink Drainer, a notorious crypto-hacking group, executed a complex phishing scam resulting in the loss of $4.4 million in Chainlink (LINK) tokens. The victim unknowingly authorised the transfer of 275,700 LINK tokens through an "Increase Approval" function. Scam Sniffer confirmed Pink Drainer's involvement, with the stolen tokens swiftly converted into Ethereum (ETH) and laundered through eXch. The group has been connected to multiple high-profile scams, with total losses reaching $18.7 million for over 9,000 victims as of December 19. Their tactics continue to evolve, making them a significant threat in the crypto world.