World’s first gaming platform for –

Fantasy Stocks & Cryptos

Transform your financial insights with TradingLeagues. Play fantasy stock market games and discover a whole new way to learn and earn.

Available on Mobile and on Desktop

Available on Mobile and on Desktop

App now available in:

  • English

  • Español

  • Português

  • українська

  • Bahasa Indonesia

  • Türkçe

  • العربية

App now available in:

  • English

  • Español

  • Português

  • українська

  • Bahasa Indonesia

  • Türkçe

  • العربية

Why choose us?

TradingLeagues is a first-of-its-kind interactive stock market gaming platform.

Effortless Gameplay

Effortless Gameplay

Effortless Gameplay

Bustling Community

Bustling Community

Bustling Community

Diverse Assets & Markets

Diverse Assets & Markets

Diverse Assets & Markets

Rewarding Referrals

Rewarding Referrals

Rewarding Referrals

Instant Payouts

Instant Payouts

Instant Payouts

Crypto-First, Fiat on Horizon

Crypto-First, Fiat on Horizon

Crypto-First, Fiat on Horizon

VC Funded Platform

VC Funded Platform

VC Funded Platform

Available in 6 languages

Available in 6 languages

Available in 6 languages

Get your stock market game on!

Four interactive and immersive real-time games to choose from. TradingLeagues is your passport to the Stock, Crypto & FX gaming world.

Target Leagues

Accurately predict the closing price of a stock and win big. Put your forecasting skills to the test and win!

Price Forecasting

Easy Play

Stocks, Crypto, FX

Desktop, Mobile

precision LEAGUES

The best fantasy trading game has arrived!

Experience the stock markets like never before. TradingLeagues is known to host the best games in fantasy trading.

Stock, Crypto & FX Games

TradingLeagues is an enthralling experience for the ideal introduction to the financial markets. Join without any risk, hassle, or stress!

Knowledge through Gameplay

Learn with every contest in this virtual trading game. Immerse yourself in the world's finest markets and enhance your skills.

Earn while you play

Engage in real-time, fantasy- trading competitions with players globally. Showcase your skills in our stock market challenges and earn real cash prizes.

Start small and win BIG!

Access a variety of stock market games, both free and low-cost. Ideal for beginners wanting to learn stock trading without hefty investments.

Truly global & inclusive!

Accessible in over 215 countries & 6 languages on both web and mobile platforms, the platform ensures universal yet personalised gaming experience.

24×7 non-stop entertainment

Over 100 daily trading games are available. Whether you're interested in global stocks, crypto or FX, there will always be a game for you!

“TradingLeagues stands out as one of the best platforms for trading due to its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface.”

Tell us about yourself?

I'm Aminu Abdullahi Saleh, aka web3legend, a 20-year-old Nigerian deeply engaged in the crypto world. I manage social media for several projects, founded CryptoYouthHub, and co-founded Web Shilling Marketing.

What's your take on your journey with TradingLeagues?

As someone who was relatively new to the world of trading, I found the platform to be incredibly user-friendly and informative. TradingLeagues has exceeded my expectations and has become an essential tool in my trading journey.

How have you used your winnings from TradingLeagues?

I've been able to cover my school bills and contribute to supporting my parents and relatives financially.

Aminu Abdullahi Saleh

Community Manager

“TradingLeagues stands out as one of the best platforms for trading due to its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface.”

Tell us about yourself?

I'm Aminu Abdullahi Saleh, aka web3legend, a 20-year-old Nigerian deeply engaged in the crypto world. I manage social media for several projects, founded CryptoYouthHub, and co-founded Web Shilling Marketing.

What's your take on your journey with TradingLeagues?

As someone who was relatively new to the world of trading, I found the platform to be incredibly user-friendly and informative. TradingLeagues has exceeded my expectations and has become an essential tool in my trading journey.

How have you used your winnings from TradingLeagues?

I've been able to cover my school bills and contribute to supporting my parents and relatives financially.

Aminu Abdullahi Saleh

Community Manager

“TradingLeagues stands out as one of the best platforms for trading due to its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface.”

Tell us about yourself?

I'm Aminu Abdullahi Saleh, aka web3legend, a 20-year-old Nigerian deeply engaged in the crypto world. I manage social media for several projects, founded CryptoYouthHub, and co-founded Web Shilling Marketing.

What's your take on your journey with TradingLeagues?

As someone who was relatively new to the world of trading, I found the platform to be incredibly user-friendly and informative. TradingLeagues has exceeded my expectations and has become an essential tool in my trading journey.

How have you used your winnings from TradingLeagues?

I've been able to cover my school bills and contribute to supporting my parents and relatives financially.

Aminu Abdullahi Saleh

Community Manager

Get your stock market game on!

Four interactive and immersive real-time games to choose from. TradingLeagues is your passport to the Stock, Crypto & FX gaming world.

Target LeagueS

Accurately predict the closing price of a stock and win big. Put your forecasting skills to the test and win!

Price Forecasting

Easy Play

Stocks, Crypto, FX

Desktop, Mobile

Selection LeagueS
Classic LeagueS
Battle LeagueS

Get your stock market game on!

Four interactive and immersive real-time games to choose from. TradingLeagues is your passport to the Stock, Crypto & FX gaming world.

Target LeagueS

Accurately predict the closing price of a stock and win big. Put your forecasting skills to the test and win!

Price Forecasting

Easy Play

Stocks, Crypto, FX

Desktop, Mobile

Selection LeagueS
Classic LeagueS
Battle LeagueS

Get your stock market game on!

Four interactive and immersive real-time games to choose from. TradingLeagues is your passport to the Stock, Crypto & FX gaming world.

Target LeagueS

Accurately predict the closing price of a stock and win big. Put your forecasting skills to the test and win!

Price Forecasting

Easy Play

Stocks, Crypto, FX

Desktop, Mobile

Selection LeagueS
Classic LeagueS
Battle LeagueS

Backed by Visionaries

Meet the incredible investors who believe in our mission and propel us towards success.

Discover even more

Where curiosity meets rewards — keep exploring the TradingLeagues universe in more ways!

Refer and Earn Big!

Unlock substantial rewards with our referral program. Bag earnings from each friend you refer who plays a game.

Learn more ››

Trust & Security

At TradingLeagues, enjoy fantasy trading with top-notch security and clear rules. It's a fair, safe playground for all. Your gaming and trading, confidently protected.

Play Anywhere, Anytime

Explore trading with TradingLeagues on any device! From desktop at home to mobile on-the-move, our platforms bring the market to you, anytime, anywhere. Embrace the adventure.

Explore the TradingLeagues Arena

Venture into the TradingLeagues arena, a hub where the latest financial insights come alive. It's your go-to resource, whether you're starting out or leveling up. Learn, grow, and stay ahead!

Explore Arena ››

Unlock Your Trading Potential with TradingLeagues!

A community of over 1 million users is ready to welcome you. Embrace the thrill of gaming meets trading and make your mark.

Play Now

Unlock Your Trading Potential with TradingLeagues!

A community of over 1 million users is ready to welcome you. Embrace the thrill of gaming meets trading and make your mark.

Play Now

Unlock Your Trading Potential with TradingLeagues!

A community of over 1 million users is ready to welcome you. Embrace the thrill of gaming meets trading and make your mark.

Play Now

Unlock Your Trading Potential with TradingLeagues!

A community of over 1 million users is ready to welcome you. Embrace the thrill of gaming meets trading and make your mark.

Play Now